We found 10 episodes of Thoughts from the Trailer with Fr. John Riccardo with the tag “faith”.
Episode 25: As Nothing?
July 12th, 2023 | 6 mins 42 secs
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
Paul reminds us of a most important truth. There, he teaches us that while suffering is never a good, it can be used for good things.
Episode 24: Shedding What is a Hindrance
July 5th, 2023 | 4 mins 37 secs
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
As I prayed with this, I was immediately struck by how relevant that little detail is for so many of us. How tempted I am to think that many of the things that other people, or other ministries, need I must also need.
Episode 23: The Real World
June 28th, 2023 | 7 mins 43 secs
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
Americans don’t usually like bad news. Oh, to be sure, we seem to enjoy reading other people’s “dirty laundry,” as an 80’s song once put it. But confronting the reality of demons who hate and are seeking to degrade, enslave and destroy us…? Uh, no thanks.
Episode 22: Doomed to Succeed with Special Guest: Albert Faraj
June 21st, 2023 | 5 mins 40 secs
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
We live in a time which is simultaneously permissive in the extreme while being merciless on anyone who makes mistakes. Our society makes no allowance for those who have messed up… there can be no redemption.
Episode 21: The Sin of David with special guest: Albert Faraj
June 14th, 2023 | 5 mins 53 secs
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
What is the role of a father?
Episode 20: Names Matter with special guest: Mary Guilfoyle
June 7th, 2023 | 6 mins 26 secs
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
The enemy’s strategy is to rob you and me of our eternal inheritance, to undo our adoption in Jesus Christ. His tactic is to steal our hope and convince us that we’re disqualified because of our past.
Episode 19: ALL
May 31st, 2023 | 4 mins 57 secs
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."
Episode 18: The Experience of Faith
May 24th, 2023 | 5 mins 31 secs
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
Jesus has never said that our life should be a desert journey. If we understand the Christian life in this way, it should not surprise us that many turn their backs on the Church and Christianity and just go on to other traditions that promise peace, joy, and a full life. This is a reaction, not against Christianity, but against a type of Christianity that has lost its authenticity.
Episode 17: Come, Lord and Giver of Life!
May 17th, 2023 | 6 mins 26 secs
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
Jesus told His disciples, and us, that it would be better for us if He left, so that another Advocate could come (cf. John 16:7). At first glance, this doesn’t make sense.
Episode 16: Let Us Approach With Confidence
May 10th, 2023 | 5 mins 1 sec
acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly
Mark explained what he was going to do and then exposed the Lord in the Eucharist and slowly placed the stole around the monstrance on the altar. Almost immediately, in my mind’s eye, I “saw” Jesus standing there on the altar, the one and only true Priest.