Episode Archive

85 episodes of Thoughts from the Trailer with Fr. John Riccardo since the first episode, which aired on January 25th, 2023.

  • Episode 61: Even Death on a Cross

    March 20th, 2024  |  13 mins 52 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    Some years ago, I found myself utterly absorbed in Fleming Rutledge’s The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ. It’s a most worthwhile read, especially at this time of year.

  • Episode 60: Made Perfect?

    March 13th, 2024  |  9 mins 9 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    Prayers? Supplications? Loud cries? Tears? Where are we?

  • Episode 59: There is No One Like You

    March 6th, 2024  |  9 mins 9 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    Unlike us, God “is rich in mercy.” Unlike us, God loves to forgive. Unlike us, God’s love knows no limits. Unlike us, Jesus cries out from the cross, “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing.” Unlike us, God does not delight in the death of the wicked. Unlike us, God wants all men and women to be saved.

  • Episode 58: Let the Holy Spirit Do the Convincing

    February 28th, 2024  |  7 mins 32 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    St. Paul was, to put it mildly, brilliant. Few people have impacted human history as profoundly as Paul...

  • Episode 57: What Kind of Father?

    February 21st, 2024  |  7 mins 22 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    I could never believe in a God who would crucify his own son. A very popular television talk show host from decades past said that. I remember hearing those words as if he said them this morning.

  • Episode 56: The King Unshackles the Imprisoned

    February 14th, 2024  |  12 mins 57 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    Today, we begin the grace filled season of Lent, and this passage from 1 Peter, challenging as parts of it can be, calls to mind how the season ends: in glorious triumph!

  • Episode 55: Can People Tell To Whom We Belong?

    February 7th, 2024  |  9 mins 25 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    A quick drive down any city street, or walk through any park can instantly reveal where people’s allegiances lie. Bumper stickers, hats, and sweatshirts immediately declare a person to be a Michigan fan, a Swiftie, a Trump or Biden devotee, proudly pro-life or proudly pro-abortion.

  • Episode 54: What's In It For Us

    January 31st, 2024  |  9 mins 25 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    Perhaps I’m just really selfish and disordered, but I’ve always been encouraged by passages in Scripture that seem to convey that the disciples thought like me (at least at times). James and John jockey for positions of power, wanting seats at the right and left of Jesus.

  • Episode 53: A Pastor Responds to His Flock

    January 24th, 2024  |  8 mins 27 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    I can just imagine the eyerolls among some people this coming Sunday as this passage is proclaimed at Mass. There goes the Catholic Church again. Why is she always so down on marriage and sexuality and the things of this world?!

  • Episode 52: A Scene Change is Coming

    January 17th, 2024  |  7 mins 6 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    The line that I am personally dwelling on this week is the last one: “The world in its present form is passing away.”

  • Episode 51: Pondering God’s Word on the Body

    January 10th, 2024  |  5 mins 52 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    I was fortunate after ordination to the priesthood to spend several years studying the theology of the body in depth.

  • Episode 50: Remodeling the House

    January 3rd, 2024  |  9 mins 24 secs
    acts xxix, actsxxix, encouragement, faith, fr. john riccardo, hope, inspiration, mission, prayer, reflections, weekly

    I had a conversation with a young woman recently that I can’t shake. Hers is a rather common tale: she grew up in a strong Catholic family, went to Catholic schools, got to college and drifted away....